Az EU 2024 augusztusában életbe lépett természet-helyreállítási rendelete arra kötelezi a tagállamokat, hogy cselekedjenek a szárazföldi, part menti és tengeri élőhelyek egészséges állapotának visszaállítása érdekében. A rendelet értelmében 2030-ra a rossz állapotú élőhelyek területének 30%-át, 2040-ig a 60%-át, 2050-ig pedig a 90%-át...
As the Nature Restoration Law "NRL" (EU 2024/1991) came into force on 18th August 2024 to reverse biodiversity loss and contribute to climate mitigation in the EU and globally the next step will be the strategy creation that later on can be broken down into actionable steps. But where to start? To be able to provide such a strategy, there...
Miért van szükség a természet helyreállításra? Miért kell és hogyan lehet ezt kutatni? Mik az esélyeink a klímaváltozás mellett? Lehet-e csökkenteni helyreállítással az inváziós fajok kockázatát? Mi tehet az egyén, és mit a döntéshozók? Ilyen és hasonló kérdésekről folytattak beszélgetést valamint szó esett a HUN-REN Ökológiai Kutatóközpont...
2024. június 17-én úttörő jelentőségű döntés született Európa természete, az éghajlatvédelem, a polgárok és a jövő szempontjából. Hosszas vita után az EU Környezetvédelmi Tanácsa végül az Európai Uniós lakosság 66,07%-át képviselő 20 ország többségével elfogadta a természet-helyreállításáról szóló rendeletet, ami az utolsó lépés volt ahhoz, hogy ez...
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration gives new momentum to restoration projects worldwide, which often involve the introduction of plant species. Research evidence shows that restoration success can depend on the seed source. However, there are still debates about the pros and cons of local vs. broad provenancing in restoration. Despite a general...
Scientific article contribution of the Restoration Ecology Group.
Szeretettel várunk mindenkit február 7-én, szerdán a "Az EU Természethelyreállítási törvény lehetőségei és szakmai kihívásai az ÖK számára" c. workshopra a vácrátóti kastélyépületbe 10-16 között.
The Centre for Ecological Research announced an internal tender to support young researchers and recognize their scientific achievements, the aim of which was to recognize excellent publication performance.
The restoration of unused urban‐industrial areas has great conservation potential as it can sometimes create a win‐win situation in terms of nature conservation and economic benefits. Financial data of restoration projects are rarely published. To close this gap, we report the cost–benefit analysis of different landscaping methods used in the...
The restoration of invasion-resistant plant communities is an important strategy to combat the negative impacts of alien invasions. Based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of seed-based ecological restoration experiments, here we demonstrate the potential of functional similarity, seeding density and priority effect in increasing invasion...
In the last weeks of September, the Restoration Ecology Research Group participated in two international conferences. One was in Australia and the other in Hungary.
Scientific article contribution of the Restoration Ecology Group
Scientific article contribution of the Restoration Ecology Group
Scientific article contribution of the Restoration Ecology Group
The EU's Green Deal is currently being under attack, with particular focus on the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR) and the Nature Restoration Law (NRL).
The Restoration Ecology Research Group is looking for a student for its restoration experiment
The presence and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) are a major threat to biodiversity, as well as affecting the economy and human well-being. For this reason, there is a need to develop effective strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of IAS and promote the resilience of native communities. Studies suggest that seeding with native species...
A short update on the current state of play with the adoption of the Nature Restoration Law (status on 17 May) for the RestoreNature NGO coalition mainly to inform the NGO action in the next weeks, especially in the run up to important votes in the European Parliament.
The group had the opportunity to present our restoration experiment at the National Botanical Garden's "Kert a köbön" invasive species event series. The event included two guided tours to the restoration experiment. At first we gave a brief introduction of the National Botanical Garden and the Ecological and Botanical Institute, and then we gave...
Saving the EU Nature Restoration Law: the Legal Working Group of SER Europe debunks 6 myths and misconceptions. Read the policy briefing on why the Law is essential for legal certainty in biodiversity and climate policies: EU Nature Restoration Law essential for legal certainty.
Invasion of alien species is one of the main drivers of land degradation threatening both natural and managed ecosystems. Ecological restoration is crucial in controlling invasion to improve biotic resistance and avoid further land degradation. We investigated the possibility of controlling the establishment of invasive alien species (IAS) by...
From 31 March to 1 April 2023, the Restoration Ecology Group attended in the 23rd Biology Days in Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca. Thank you for the quality organisation!
The purpose of academic work is to test whether long-term changes in weather conditions – especially drought events –influence vegetation development to an extent that modifies the results of restoration trials. Attempts to eliminate black locust stands and restore sandy grassland in Hungary have already started in the 1990s. In 1995, three sites...
It's time to restore nature!
Join our call to bring nature back to Europe!
Join for the March session of the "Ecosystem Restoration: Global Initiatives in Science and Practice" webinar series, hosted by IUCN CEM's Ecosystem Restoration Thematic Group (ERTG)
A new booklet on pollination research has been published in collaboration with our research group.