Long-term & landscape scale evaluation of restoration interventions

To support the need for large-scale restoration, large amount of seeds of native species is required. Ex situ storage of collected seeds of native plant species can provide a basis for conservation and habitat restoration.

Cropland abandonment is an opportunity for semi-natural biodiverse ecosystems to develop through spontaneous succession or active restoration. Spontaneous recovery is limited by the dispersal and capacity of species to establish under the given environmental circumstances.

Disturbed lands (either for natural or anthropogenic reasons) tend to have an elevated level of nitrogen in the soil, which alters mineralization and immobilization and facilitate the growth of exotic species. Removing invasive species chemically or mechanically are unlikely to limit reinvasion in many ecosystems, while soil legacy effects remain....

The first restoration project of the Group started in 1995 with the aim to replace non-native black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantations with open sand grasslands. Black locust was introduced to Hungary in the 1750s to stabilize wind-blown sand in the region between the Danube and Tisza rivers and is now frequently grown in plantations and...