Scientific coopeartion for longterm success: eLTER supports Nature Restoration Law

As the Nature Restoration Law "NRL" (EU 2024/1991) came into force on 18th August 2024 to reverse biodiversity loss and contribute to climate mitigation in the EU and globally the next step will be the strategy creation that later on can be broken down into actionable steps. But where to start? To be able to provide such a strategy, there comes a strong need for data and research. Fortunately, we already have that.
How can eLTER (The Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research) support the implementation of the NRL?
Simple. The eLTER Research Infrastructure includes hundreds of eLTER Sites and eLTSER socio-ecological Platforms in 20 countries that systematically cover major European terrestrial, freshwater and transitional water ecosystems. At these sites, researchers study a variety of ecosystem types over a long period to better understand ecosystem structure and functioning, which is crucial to identify cost-effective restoration measures. Therefore the eLTER network is dedicated and ready to support environmental sustainability and provide knowledge and empirical evidence from planning to implementation through data that can effectively support the decision-making processes.
Curious for more? For details about the eLTER project click here